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Legendary Snack Pack

$122.00 $136.00

Decisions decisions decisions! It’s hard enough trying to decide the next series to binge on, but at least we got the snacking part covered.

With our Legendary Snack Pack ( Old name: Binge Watch Essentials mini )- we bring you the ultimate snacking experience. Tune in and snack out. This mini pack comes with 8 of our top selling treats and snacks.

Whether you’re watching your favourite team dominate, couch locked on your new found series, or enjoying movie night with the family, our snack pack will make staying home all the more better.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the snack pack. You’ll be glad you stayed in!

This bundle includes the following:

1 Lb Premium Lime and Saffron Pistachios

1 Lb Lime and Saffron Kernel Mix

1 Lb Spicy Cashews

1 Lb SeaSalt Dark Chocolate Cashews ( Can be replaced by other chocolates available on our website. Please leave note at check out)

1 Lb Lime and Pepper Almonds

1 Lb Candied Strawberries 

1 Lb Baked Vegetable Chips

1 Lb Dried Mango

(EXCLUSIVE TO ONLINE ORDERS - Not available in store)