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Do Roasted Nuts Go Bad?

Do Roasted Nuts Go Bad?

You might have been there before, you have a container of old nuts that look fine but it’s been so long since you purchased them that you’re not sure if it is still safe to eat. If you’ve had this experience before (we certainly have!), you’ve come to the right place. We will walk you through how long roasted nuts last, how to properly store them and how to tell if they’ve gone bad or not. 

Do Roasted Nuts Go Bad?


How Long Do Roasted Nuts Last?

If you’re lucky enough to have a best-before date on a pre-packaged container of nuts, that’s a good indicator for how long they will last; however, if the best-before date has already past, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are no longer consumable. The main function of the best-before date is more to provide you with an idea for how long the company expects the nuts to maintain their best quality. In other words, the best-before date is more of a rough estimate for whether or not the nuts have past their peak freshness. So how long do they last? In terms of raw nuts, most shelled nuts will last from about 4-6 months at room temperature. If you have nuts with the shell on, they will last anywhere from 6-9 months, as the shell helps the nuts maintain there freshness for longer. You can also refrigerate or freeze nuts, in which they will last even longer - for up to a year. Roasted nuts, on the other hand, have a shorter shelf life. If possible try to consume them within 2 weeks; however, they should be okay to eat up to a month after purchase. 

Do Roasted Nuts Go Bad?

How To Properly Store Nuts

At room temperature, raw or roasted nuts should be stored in an airtight container in a cool dark place. But it is also very common to place them in the fridge or freeze them if you know you won’t be consuming them right away. If you have bought roasted nuts, make sure you check them regularly, however, as they do not tend to last as long as raw nuts. Try to consume roasted nuts within two weeks, if stored at room temperature. 

Do Roasted Nuts Go Bad?


How To Tell If Nuts Have Gone Bad

If you have an old bag of nuts in your pantry and are uncertain if they have gone bad, their are a few things to check for before tossing them out entirely. Here’s what to look for to determine if your nuts have gone bad or not:

  • Check for mold and fuzz. If there is mold, fuzz or anything else growing on the nuts, they have gone bad and toss the whole bag.
  • Look for bugs. If you see any bugs in the container with the nuts or even just in the pantry surrounding the container, discard the nuts immediately.
  • Check the shape and texture. If the nuts look shriveled, wrinkled or dried out, they may be still okay to eat but will not taste good. We recommend tossing them out. 
  • Smell them. If the nuts give off a odor that is similar to some chemicals or the smell is very strong, the nuts have gone bad and throw them out.
  • Taste them. If you haven’t noticed anything irregular from the list above, feel free to taste them. If the taste is bitter, the nuts have gone rancid and it’s best to toss them.



To learn more about all things roasted nuts, check out our blog on Everything You Need To Know About Roasted Nuts!




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