5 Filling and Healthy Snacks To Help Power You Through The Day – Ayoub's Dried Fruits & Nuts
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filling healthy snacks

5 Filling and Healthy Snacks To Help Power You Through The Day

Ever get to the end of a busy day and realize you’ve only got a single meal in at best? Naturally, hunger can strike at any time and often does when you least expect it. It’s at times like these that you look for a snack that’s both delicious and nutritious. Doing so not only ensures that you remain focused and alert, it also prevents a sudden sugar crash. 

Research has shown that the following 4 principles, when taken into account, can increase both satisfaction and satiety: high water content, fibre, flavour and protein. Both water and fibre take up a lot of space in the stomach and are more or less calorie-free. As such, foods high in either of the two can effectively prolong hunger. Flavour and protein, however, contribute to the overall experience and are routinely credited for improving appetite control, and subsequent food intake in healthy adults. 


filling and healthy snacks

Putting Principle into Action: Snack Ideas

Water-dense Snacks

A go-to for many mediterraneans, watermelon, feta and walnuts, do indeed go together. Made up of over 90% water, the salad - when diced and mixed evenly - tastes much like summer. Splashed with a bit of vinaigrette and a dash of basil, it quite literally becomes a staple.

Fibrous Foods

Coming in at approximately 12g of dietary fiber and 92 grams of water, cauliflower tackles 2 of our 4 principles and is a favorite of many in Hollywood. Filling and versatile, cauliflower can be transformed into just about anything. We personally like roasting it whole, and decking it in browned butter almonds.

Flavourful and Filling

Believe it, or not our infamous Almond Apple Crisp makes the list! Perfect for the autumn season and decked in cinnamon, clove and nutmeg, the crisp can satisfy you for hours especially if paired with an equally flavourful americano

Lean Protein

Millet, Almond and Pistachio cookies are a must. Equal parts crunch and chew, these cookies are both vegan and gluten-free. At approximately 6 and 7 grams per ¼ cup, respectively. The use of pistachios and almonds transform this cookie from do not, to a do yes. 

Seed Crackers are quite possibly one of the easiest snacks you can make. Requiring no more than a handful of your favourite seeds, water and a bit of patience, this snack is customizable and can be made in small, fresh batches.

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