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Two plates of pasta with vegan Alfredo sauce on a black marble table with a bowl of roasted chickpeas to the right

Vegan Alfredo Pasta with Roasted Chickpeas

Ahhh, Alfredo sauce. One of life’s most comforting indulgences. This right here is one of the most creamy and delicious vegan Alfredo dishes you’ll ever make. No dairy and no eggs required! With the absence of these ingredients and the addition of roasted chickpeas, this makes for an easy and healthy alternative to a traditional Alfredo pasta dish. You can make this dish gluten- free by used certified gluten-free pasta instead of regular pasta.

This rich and smooth sauce is amazing paired over your favourite pasta, fettuccine, linguine, tortellini, spaghetti, rigatoni, penne, rotini, macaroni or ravioli. You can even serve it over broccoli, grilled asparagus or other roasted veggies or an Alfredo style pizza!

We add some crispy roasted chickpeas to the top of this dish to give it a delicious textured crunch, but you can also mix them in. 

Woman making Vegan Alfredo sauce by simmering cashew cream, pumpkin purée and basil and garlic in a large pan

How to make vegan Alfredo sauce:

Cashew cream: This recipe uses cashew cream. You will soak some raw cashews overnight in water, drain some of the liquid and then blend for a creamy consistency.

Pumpkin purée: Who would have thought eh? Pumpkin purée, cashew cream, olive oil, garlic and basil are simmered together in a pan to create a luxuriously rich vegan sauce that melts in your mouth.

And that’s that! We mean it when we say this vegan Alfredo is one of our favourite comfort dishes to make on. It doesn’t require any crazy ingredients, its healthy and it can be whipped up in 30 mins! 

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